Unifying Scripture & Science
Reconciling the Creation Narrative
and the Big Bang Theory
Faith and Science
It all fits together on every level.
Reconciling the Creation Narrative
and the Big Bang Theory
Faith and Science
It all fits together on every level.
Faith is not Exclusive
True faith and true science must coincide. An important manifestation of true faith is how the God revealed within the spiritually motivated, humanly transcribed and translated - yet inerrant - Bible. It is a powerful tool for discerning the valid aspects of other faiths - including humanistic science. It is not ex
Faith is not Exclusive
True faith and true science must coincide. An important manifestation of true faith is how the God revealed within the spiritually motivated, humanly transcribed and translated - yet inerrant - Bible. It is a powerful tool for discerning the valid aspects of other faiths - including humanistic science. It is not exclusive of the truth and wisdom in those faiths.
explain creation compare creation big bang
The Melding of Christianity, Science and Society
Christianity has often been a boon to science in terms of the open mindedness spawned from its crucible. Christianity provides a strong moral environment for science and technology to operate within. Sadly, Christianity and fear have often been linked to dispute scientific and technologica
The Melding of Christianity, Science and Society
Christianity has often been a boon to science in terms of the open mindedness spawned from its crucible. Christianity provides a strong moral environment for science and technology to operate within. Sadly, Christianity and fear have often been linked to dispute scientific and technological advance. Contrariwise, science should submit to the moral imperatives an holy discernment delineated by the Word of God: the sanctity of life, the uniqueness and purity of a marriage between a man and a woman.
Christianity should embrace all science, esoteric, social, and physical. Science's methods and understandings could provide a wonderful complement to God's scripturally revealed purposes, laws, and wisdom.
GOD's Love Given to the Small Frail Gods that Die
In several ways, humans are gods, individually and as a race. We knowingly manipulate various energy and matter systems to our advantage. We describe those systems, not knowing their every detail, yet comprehending them enough to 'rule' over those systems in a localized sense.
We know ho
GOD's Love Given to the Small Frail Gods that Die
In several ways, humans are gods, individually and as a race. We knowingly manipulate various energy and matter systems to our advantage. We describe those systems, not knowing their every detail, yet comprehending them enough to 'rule' over those systems in a localized sense.
We know how to synthesize complex molecules and rip atoms apart, but do we really know what atoms are? We can harness light energy, but have we comprehended the subspace source and basis of light?
No one person can learn about and fully understand all of what humanity knows. Yet as a race we utilize such knowledge in ways that only God was originally capable of. As God created us originally, perhaps we could have learned to modify our existence through faith alone. But we also have the power to modify it through knowledge.
Perhaps after speaking of Christ as Savior and Lord, the very foundation of Christianity, we should follow through with a vision of a unified Globe; not under a dictatorship, or one that overrides the beauties of nationalism, but together as different peoples, towards any goal that humankind would chose. When God said to subdue the earth, in Genesis 1:28, he may well have meant for us to even subdue the very foundations which govern this reality. What wonders of love God has bestowed on us.
Believing that all things are part of the One does not justify evil or wickedness. In as much as the results of such are detrimental and that God Irself has declared the law of righteousness (of which not one jot or tittle shall pas until this generation (universe) pass away) then there are standards of conduct for all "autonomous" lifeforms, though they have the privilege to disregard them.
A Personal God for the Natural Materialist, and Everyone Else
In Conclusion.
If God does not exist universally or personally.
If everything is really just nothing in motion and will return to nothing.
If sheer probability composed the definition of energy-matter during the big bang.
If a nearly infinite random events defined the universe's manifold beauty.
If a virtually infinite number molecular interactions defined life's intricate basis.
If trillions of genetic mutations in all of life's species caused life's wondrous diversity.
If life doesn't have spirit and all 'life' is simply complex cause and effect interactions.
Yet science and wisdom shows how all things, including life, are inter-dependant.
The effects of a single electron is felt to the ends of the universe.
The interactions of heavenly bodies are as inter-related as subatomic particles.
The fact of life's existence shows that the totality of interaction of all universal energy-matter phenomena resonates upwards from the inanimate through to life, even though the universe itself tends towards energy-less entropy.
When credibly and historically recorded miracles occurred.
When virtually irrefutable evidence of incredibly improbable circumstances exists.
When myriads of personally recognized and interpreted coincidences happens.
When unimaginably intertwined and co-dependant fates develop.
When the existence of each and all of these phenomena points to a Universal Unity.
When that Unity HAS and DOES express itself at all levels of existence including:
naturally, and
Then, by any view of reality, God cannot be denied.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Although this verse is about the beginning of the “Earth”, it is really the story about the beginning of the universe: energy and matter.
Formless and empty conjures an understanding of homogenous, near-zero energy and unstructured matter or more likely - absolute nothingness.
Water describes a diverse range of flowing, potentially multi-state energy-matter constructs throughout the first chapter of Genesis.
Genesis 1:3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
Light is the universal creation moment, the explosion of an infinite nothingness into an unstructured state of all the total free energy the universe will ever contain.
Genesis 1:4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
The energy waves that compose light are particle-ized to be separate from darkness. The very definition of all universal energy structures occurs here. God defined the more complex energies and functions that would arise from it.
Genesis 1:5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning ‑‑ the first day.
The Hebrew Word day has many related meanings. Here, it’s meaning is a space of time defined by associated terms, age, process of time', etc.
A day is a space of time defined by associated terms, a process over time. For the Genesis descriptive, the time may be less than a trillionth of a second, or 10 billion plus years.
Genesis 1:6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse (firmament) between the waters to separate water from water."
Hebrews firmament means 'an expanse, the visible arch of the sky', from a root word meaning primarily: 'to pound, to expand, stretch'.
The word firmament does not mean solid. it is an expanse. The size of the universe is expanding. Molecular water doesn't yet exist here. The Genesis talebearer uses a word for something that is fluid and in motion yet with characteristics of a solid - a description of energy-proto-matter.
Genesis 1:7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so.
Proto-galaxies form within the ocean of proto-matter. Matter coalesces into pre-planetary clouds.
Genesis 1:8 God called the expanse "sky" (heaven). And there was evening, and there was morning‑‑the second day.
The Hebrew word for heaven means 'the sky, the visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve'.
The planets have coalesced enough to call the heavens 'sky'. 'Heavens' indicates both the vast ether sky of the universe and the gaseous sky above the earth.
Genesis 1:9 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so.
The 'waters' of gases are collected above the solid planetary core.
Genesis 1:10 God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good.
The water congregates in lakes and oceans. God is preparing the earth for the precursors to biological life. The earliest life arises during this day. God acts upon the complex but inanimate chemistry of the ecosystem, and brings forth the earliest life forms. In the genetic codes of life, he programs the earliest complex living mechanisms. God includes the potential for biological diversity that will enable hundreds of millions of years of diverse simple micro-evolutionary paths to occur.
It is extremely difficult to believe that almost infinite random chances of molecular interactions determined the ultra-complex design of the intricate cellular mechanisms required for even simple life. This seems especially true considering that even simple advances in the genetic code of multicellular life forms requires tens of millions of years. The tools of god-less evolution sorely lack a reliable, constant source of nonfatal genetic originality. In each new stage of life, God created huge banks of potential genetic diversity.
Over time, diversity is expressed through the mutations and selections which “chance” and the environment impose on it, according to God’s wisdom.
From early plants like algae, primitive sea plants arise. Early microscopic animal life diversifies. Plants are somewhat less complex biologically, and so can advance further and faster than primitive animal life. Primitive plants and animals multiply, diverge, and filling every possible ecological niche.
The results of the God’s genetic designs expand through guided 'evolutionary' diversity.
Genesis 1:11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so.
Seed plants, then fruited plants, appear. The land produces a broad variety of flora. During the third day, the genesis has come to the most recent 800 million years. This verse assumes the presence of all lower life forms that propagate using water and wind-born methods, and includes the plants that arose just before and in conjunction with the higher animals.
Seed and fruit bearing plants are the most recent plants. They are modified derivatives of spore plants, which descended from the simple water plants, which are derive from single celled plants.This matches the cycle of advancement offered by fossil records. God builds the potential for diversity into the genes of the life forms He creates. The environmental activity, environmental variance and natural selection spawn diversity.
Genesis 1:12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Please note the "to their kind" statement here, and in verses 1:24 and 1:25. This is the fundamental law of biology that "like begets like".
God-less evolution has no reliable, consistently non-fatal mechanism that provides for direct innovation of new cellular mechanisms. By evolution, each new design or mechanism requires immense numbers of intermediate stages. This intermediate development stages arise through the chemistry of macro-molecular chemical interactions. The building blocks for this chemistry are provided by genetic duplication, translocation, and mutation. All of these processes are either highly random or fraught with an extreme likelihood of deleterious effects to individual cells (dysfunction, non-function, or cancer), the life-form (disability), or its offspring (often miscarriage or early death).
Evolution's mechanisms must take large amounts of time to accumulate any beneficial and original change in life forms. Yet the fossil records often show relatively instantaneous appearance of the most radically different new species.
Evolution attempts to balance a 'rapid equilibrium' theory with a 'gradualism' theory. The rapid equilibrium sub-theory is contradicted by the mechanisms involved (rate of mutation of higher organisms) and the gradualism sub-theory is often contradicted by the fossil record.
All of creation's beauty points to the direct hand of a Creator. Random energy and matter interactions cannot truly synthesize a 'new' thing. Wise, progressive modifications of the ultra-complex inter-workings of biological life requires meaningful, beneficial, directed focus, to introduce each next stage of development.
Genesis 1:13 And there was evening, and there was morning ‑‑ the third day.
The third day has seen the collection of water, crucial for all life, and the development of the precursors of life. This day moved from "inanimate" universal mechanisms. Now, the view has fully focused into our solar system, the Earth and its early life.
Genesis 1:14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years,
This description seems to cause a problem in understanding the creation narrative. After creating planets is God now creating the stars?
The first two days entail the creation of light and stars. Thisday's description is from a new perspective. The narrative is no longer a looking from the universe down towards a planet, it is now looking from the planet outward towards the universe. The viewpoint actually shifted through verses 1:10 - 1:12. The universe, the Milky Way, and our solar system are created in Days 1 and 2. Plants and by default early animals are created in Day 3. During Day 4, in verses 1:14 – 1:19, three milestone events occur. These are: 1) the visibility of the stars, 2) the presence of the moon, and 3) the relatively current positioning of the stars and galaxies.
The atmosphere thins out over a billion years. Hundreds of miles of gases, not held by earth's gravity, slowly leak away while water continues to precipitate. Intra-solar-system dust is gradually blown aside by solar winds and diffusion. The planet earth's canopy becomes transparent enough to see the distant light of stars. The stars, present from late in Day one, become evident.
The majority of stars are millions to billions of light-years distant from Earth’s sun. Their light must travel across the cosmos, to reach the adolescent earth. The vast unimaginable expanse of the galaxy and universe progressively blossoms into view. The positions of the stars, constellations, and galaxies also approach their modern locations relative to Sol.
The planet earth now has a companion. Was it spawned in Day 2, as a smaller twin during Earth’s early formation? Was it captured as a huge erratic chunk of debris from elsewhere in the solar system or galaxy? Genesis does not directly tell us.
Genesis 1:15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so.
Genesis 1:16 God made two great lights ‑‑ the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
Hebrew Light (#2) This word means 'a luminous body or luminary, light; as in an element.
This verse uses a different word for light than anywhere else in Genesis. This 'light' is a luminary body set into the expanse of the heavens instead of the radiant energy itself.
Verse 16 summarizes the lights mentioned in verses 14 & 15, declaring them to be sources of light, not light energy itself.
The impression might be that God created the sun, moon and stars on the third day. This is not so. Light was the first thing created. This day consolidates a view of an emergent universal sky beyond the Earth’s atmosphere as discussed above.
Genesis 1:17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth,
Genesis 1:18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:19 And there was evening, and there was morning ‑‑ the fourth day.
The fourth day spans the time in which the global ecosystem is moving through sequential changes.
Genesis 1:20 And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky."
The waters are already filled with early water plants, bacteria, protozoa, and primitive invertebrates. Sea based animal life progresses into primitive land life during Days 4 and 5. Land based animal life also progresses. All the cellular and environmental systems necessary for these advances are already in place.
"Creatures" means animal life. The sea animals are advanced up to vertebrates and onto land. Primitive reptiles rise in this progression and lead to the ancestors of birds. The ecosphere is soon fully inhabited by ever more advanced sea and land creatures.
This day includes the extinction of large portions of pre-historic life, which occurs in conjunction with the appearance of the new life forms - more immediate ancestors to modern animals.
Birds, a prevalent successor to the dinosaur are mentioned. The fish, early reptiles, and dinosaurs are therefore included in the age of early plants. Trying to describe extinct life forms and evolutionary paths would confuse the narrative. Yet clearly, the stages of development are there.
The fish and birds are the significant results of the workings of this day. The waters teem with vertebrate fish. Primal reptiles and dinosaurs are mentioned only indirectly. They are the progenitors, and co-descendants with the birds.
Genesis 1:21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
The rise of vertebrate sea life is mentioned first. Then birds are mentioned. The first birds probably were cold blooded and lacked feathers. Primitive mammals that co-develop with the birds and vertebrate water life are important, yet unmentioned, predecessors to higher mammals. The narrative is limited to describing the beginning of the life forms that currently exist. It does not talk about extinct species.
Genesis 1:22 God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth."
The command to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth is a function of all life. The progression of a species can be summarized into four stages: a lag time, a growth curve, a stationary/stagnant/mature population, and the decline/death of the life form’s population. This follows God's creation, growth, rest, and change methodology. (Or the business lifecycle!! J)
This verse encompasses many millennia of guided evolutionary advancement. Fish and reptiles diversify, primitive mammals appear, and birds gain feathers.
Genesis 1:23 And there was evening, and there was morning ‑‑ the fifth day.
The genetic diversity that God builds into each species blossoms outward, occupying all the available ecological niches.
Genesis 1:24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
Genesis 1:25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
The higher mammals appear. This day shows the rise from primitive small land mammals to the rich diversity of land mammals present now.
Genetic mutation, duplication, translocation and random re-organization, cannot be the fundamental source of life’s leaps in beauty and variety. From a genus of mammals will arise a cogent life form that is - unfortunately - uninformed, deceived, arrogant, or stupid enough to deny its Creator.
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
Humanity is the crown of a God's earthly creation. Even in humanistic terms, mankind is the most intellectually powerful land animal on this planet. Creation and directed evolution have reached an apex in the spirit and mind of humanity, giving us the ability to comprehend and manipulate the environment. Humanity is the very image of God.
Through the work of six days, God wrought a universe, sprung from nothing, built of weaves of light. Humans, living machines, are also built of light. Through the spirit given us, we move, perceive, and nearly understand the very origin, source, and eventual end of all reality. We are beings of light walking on sunshine. Doesn't it feel good!?!
God has created from Nothing a functional, creative, contemplative, self contained model of God. Could God create anything less?
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Each level of energy-matter mirrors its building blocks. Humankind is an image of God. Father God is the designer and spirit source. Mother nature is the crucible and womb, the energy and matter, the planetary and universal systems. Humans reflect the images of female and male aspects of God.
Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
Verse 26 and 28 list the creatures that man is given rule over. The lists are in the order of creation's sequence in terms of each animal's appearance through geologic time.
Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed ‑ bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
While meat eaters existed in the animal kingdom before modern humans were created, God only gave us plants as food at this stage. Read Genesis 9:2-3 to see where God gives giving us animals as food.
Genesis 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground ‑‑ everything that has the breath of life in it ‑‑ I give every green plant for food." And it was so.
Apparently, for the brief period between humanity's ascension from primates and fall from grace due to sin, all animals present (at least those present 'in the garden') were purely herbivorous.
Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning ‑‑ the sixth day.
So closes the sixth day. The processes laid down in each day continue during the following days. Suns (day 2) keep burning, planets keep forming (days 3-4), and life keeps existing and evolving (days 4-6) within the parameters which God explicitly creates and sustain.
(short version)
The Days of Genesis Reconciled to the Universal-Geologic Ages
Imagine we are being shown the progress from a perspective that zooms in from outside the universe, then into the universal and galactic scale, then to the planetary scale and finally as if watching events from the surface of the earth itself.
Day 1:
Outside/"Above" all known pre-existence of Reality - "the Universe".
From absolute nothingness springs universal energy and light and darkness (absence of light). This is the inception of all energy systems and sub-atomic precursors.
Day 2:
Moving simultaneously outside the entire creation process and glimpsing from within the most elemental energy - particle/matter systems' constructs while traveling into the Nascent Universe Itself.
Energy solidifies into fundamental sub-atomic matter, then atoms and molecules form as an expanding universe congeals into galaxies and solar systems.
Day 3:
Flying down into and through the expanding 'infinity' of space, we approach the Milky Way and Sol's early system and land on the primordial earth. We watch bacteria, archaea, and primitive eukaryotes develop.
Planetary systems coalesce and partition by density, forming solid ground and oceans on Earth. Then archaea, bacteria develop and plants progress through spore bearing up to seed bearing. Concomitantly, simple single cell protozoan life advances to water based invertebrates and simple vertebrates (not directly mentioned in the narrative).
Day 4:
Upon the Earth, we look up again to see the awesome galaxies we just came through - as they are revealed.
As universal epochs approach the most recent half billion years, the constellations take their current relative positions in Earth’s sky. Meanwhile, heavy shedding of atmospheric moisture as rain reveals the canopy of the day and night sky. The galaxies, constellations and our sun and the moon were already there. This day reveals them to the young Earth.
Day 5:
We stand on sea and earth and watch, time lapse, as geologic epochs pass and life progresses by grand and guided design.All around us, single cell life progressing into multi-cellular organisms.
Early sea/ocean based animal life and primitive invertebrates diversify to fill every water based niche on Earth. Water based life progresses to amphibian and reptilian life and then to dinosaurs (not specifically detailed) and eventually birds (specifically described). Warm blooded animals (mostly pre-mammalian species) appear.
Day 6:
Time passage slows towards human speed as the last ages proceeding and entering Eden happen.
Warm blooded mammals appear, advance and diversify. Man arises - created in the very image of God.
One who denies God’s existence is provable. A more practical definition could be acknowledging God’s possible existence, without being constrained to any particular definition; or perhaps, enjoying the benefits of a believing in a loving, beneficent God-figure, while rejecting any notion of divinely decreed absolutes or laws. Agnosticism lacks core doctrine, faith conviction, human destiny, prophetic visions, absolute truths, ultimate purpose, eternal hope, or any other essence of deeply rooted faith
Ever since the Scopes Monkey Trial, the battle between evolutionary theology and creation theology has waged in the public sphere. In many areas of the developed world, it appears evolutionary dogma is so culturally programmed that recidivism towards an inclusion of Intelligent Design is nearly unthinkable.
(Macro)-Evolution, the widely indoctrinated dogma of the life’s origins and diversity arising from simple genetic mechanisms is a non-sense extension of micro-evolutionary mechanizations. The molecular and cellular machinery of life are so incredibly complex, that popular secular culture relies on the ignorance of the masses and the dumb tacit silence of those who are bio-science educated to propagate one the greatest falsehoods of modern history.
The recent movie, Expelled, expectedly panned by liberal reviewers, attempts to document the secular suppression of an intellectually honest review of (macro-) evolution versus “intelligent design” Lehigh University’s own Michael J. Behe, Professor of Biochemistry has written several books such as “Darwin’s Black Box” which argue against macro-evolution.
Macro-evolution implies spontaneous organization of life many orders of magnitude beyond examples like moths changing color to fit the environment or bacteria acquiring new methods of antibiotic resistance. The irreducible complexity of genetic biology precludes spontaneous assembly of functional molecular integration, even at its simplest operational level.
The instruments of genetic change: mutation, insertion, deletion, translocation and inversion are far removed from explaining the extraordinary complexity of life: DNA structure, duplication, transcription and repair; RNA processing; protein/enzyme synthesis, secondary processing and functionality including signaling, feedback and control; ten thousand different cell structures and functions intricately woven into the organ systems and organism life.
Positing any sequence of happenstance events across billions of years giving origination and accumulating into beneficial and functional unified biology is utterly ludicrous. The arguments against macro evolution are so strong that any honest, open and balanced forum held by a secular institution would heavily undermining the pre-eminent cornerstone of secular humanism.
If all complex biology arose by spontaneous generation, derivation and incremental changes than why isn’t every life form littered with thousands of partially functional or pre-functional fragments of on-going evolutionary creation? Why are the vast majority of genetic mutations greatly deleritous to established genetic codes and protein/enzyme functions? Yet somehow these simplistic evolutionary genetic alterations are imbued and envision by godless secularism with the power to create vast and beautiful array of species through the epochs of history.
There is no intrinsic reason that a spontaneous, chaotic big bang should create atomic-molecular functionality. It is not logical to assume that a fully functional table of elements that can underpin and propagate life should arise from a disordered event. Why didn’t a table of say, 3, 21 or 571 essentially inert elements come into existence? Why is math capable of describing universal activity; it is not reasonable that it must be so. Why did the Big Bang happen in the first place when entropy towards energy-less nothingness is the final expected universal outcome?
Abraham’s descendants:
Three of the world’s major religions are propagated by the children of the Hebrew patriarch Abraham or faith-adopted, engrafted, peoples and nations. The other religions are multi-theistic, pantheistic, ancestor-respecting, self-humility or goddess based religions. As the only figure in human history that qualifies as the Messiah predicted throughout Old-Testament prophesy, Jesus Christ is unique among all faiths. No other religion or faith posits salvation through belief in the God-Man sacrificial atonement for sin.
The notion that Jesus was simply “a good man” rings palely myopic. He clearly claimed to be the pre-eminent Son of God. A good man wouldn’t spend his years of ministry misleading his followers with lies. Jesus birth, life, ministry, death, resurrection and current position at the right hand of God fulfills hundreds of Old-Testament prophesies.
Christ claimed his death would pay the price for humanity’s wickedness. Christ’s resurrection shattered death’s claim on God’s children, the human race. Even more powerfully, Jesus Christ desires an intimate lifelong personal relationship with each and every person, if we only accept him as Lord and savior. Prayer moves beyond wish-lists and into direct spiritual communion with the creator God himself.
A just God seems unlikely to condemn a person simply for ignorantly disregarding Christ. However, it appears likely we would be judged by our own faith decisions, background, self-entanglements and life purposes; which may be a more fearful starting point than one of offered absolute forgiveness through Christ. Jesus, the Christ, coexists inside all those who accept him.
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